Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) enhanced from 100 to 300 / Rs Per month to Railway pensioners and Family pensioners.
In pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission, Instructions regatding grant of Fixed Medicil Allowance @ Rs100 p.m to Railway Pensioners/Family, pensioners were issued vide Board's, letter No.PC- V/98/1/711/1 dated 21-4-99 and subsequently. amended from time to time the last being letter No. PC- V/2006/ A/Med/1 dated 15.09.2009.
2. In this connection, Department of Pension &' Welfare (DoP&PW) other nodal Department on the subject have advised vide OM NoAI25/2008-P&PW (D), dated 25-05-2010 that the demand for enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance has been under consideration of theGovernment for some time past and the amount of Fixed Medical Allowance has been enhanced from Rs 100 to RS.300/ per month. The other conditions for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance shaiLcontinue to be in force.
These orders shall take effect from 0l-09-2008.
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