Fixation of pay on promotion to HAG scale on exercise of option under sub rule (8A) of rule 4 of the IAS (Pay) rules, 2007- Clarification.
Issued by Ministry of Personnel, pensions and Public Grievances, Department of Personnel and Training.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Pensions and Public Grievances
Department of Personnel and Training.
North Bloc, New Delhi –01
the 1st September, 2010.
Chief Secretaries of all
State Governments and Union Territories.
Subject: Fixation of pay on promotion to HAG scale on exercise of option under sub rule (8A) of rule 4 of the IAS (Pay) rules, 2007- Clarification.
I am directed to say that reference from state Governments for clarifications on fixation of pay of the members of All India Service on promotion to HAG scale on exercise of option under sub rule (8A) of rule 4 of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007, as amended vide IAS (Pay) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2010, have been engaging attention of this Department. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that:
(i) For purpose of calculation of two increments, ( one annual increment and the other as promotional increment ) on 1st July as provided under the sub rule (8A) of rule 4 of this IAS (Pay) Rule, 2007, the basis pay prior to the date of promotion shall taken into account.
(ii) Further, these two increments shall be added to the basic pay of the concerned members of service as fixed on the date of promotion ot HAG scale by adding an amount of Rs. 2000/ – .
Yours Faithfully
Yash Pal
Desk Officer
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