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Incentive increments to sportspersons for outstanding sports

Posted by binu P Thursday, October 29, 2009

Department of Personnel and Training


Subject Incentive increments to sportspersons for outstanding sports achievement at National and International levels.

Para 3(iv) of this Department's OM No.16/1/85-Pay-1 dated 16th July, 1985 provides to grant incentive in the form of increments as admissible to such Government servants who achieve excellence in the sporting events of Nationalllnternational importance. The total number of increments to be awarded for achieving excellence in the nationalllnternational events should not exceed five in his/her entire career.

2. Taking into account the changing scenario and rising global competitiveness in the field of sports, the question of honoring such sportspersons of excellence who win a medal(Gold: Silver or Bronze) in
National, lnternational Tournaments has been considered and it has been decided to review the existing provision of the OM referred to above in so far as incentives is concerned.
3. Vide this Department's OM of even number dated 26th August 2008 and subsequent reminders dated October, 2008, December, 2008 and September,2009 views/suggestions from all the ministrieslDepartments were invited regarding quantum of lump-sum incentives to be granted to such sportsperson who win a Gold, Silver and Bronze medal in the National/International Tournaments. However very few ministriesl Departments have responded to the said OMs.
4. It is, therefore, requested that views/suggestion may be furnished at the earliest to enable this Department to review the existing provisions.

(B.K. Mukhopadhyay)

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2 Responses to Incentive increments to sportspersons for outstanding sports

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. The matter of revising PP (sports) with the consequence of 6th Pay Commission is under active consideration of MOF, DoE. Our earnest request is to expedite the order.

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. For the last five year departments is thinking of reviewing the incentive increments to sportsperson who won Gold ,Silver or Bronz medals in National Championships and as well as international levels too.
    In Army.CISF,and para military force, any person win the Medal Individually or in Team event get outright promotion to next post.where as our departments still asking for suggestions for the last five years and not doing fixing up the policy to encourage sports persons in our department and i only suggest to give sports increments to only to those who stood First, Second and Third in Individual games in Nationals Championships and International events like Asian games, Commonwealth Games, World Championship and Olympics Games, and civil services competitions is not to be consider.so that our sports man performances can be achieved and give atlest those who stood First, Second and Third in National Championship one Fix Increments of next promotion post.But please decide at an earliest please.


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