7th Pay Commission News
- All you need to know about pay commissions
- 7th pay commission to propose higher HRA
- Why New pay commission report is important ?
- Retirement age regularisation ? 7th CPC
- Minimum pay of Rs 20,000/- 7th CPC
- Fake 7th CPC Report
- Extending 7th CPC term - Pros & Cons
- DA Merger and retirement age - 7th CPC
- 7वें वेतन आयोग ने सिफारिशें केंद्र को सौंपी- प्रमुख हिंदी समाचार
- 7th CPC report to be submitted ahead of Elections
- 7th CPC employees delight govt's despair
- 7th CPC change in MACP
There is a modification in the Travelling allowance rule in the sixth pay which was based on the reimbursement principle. In that case Officers have to produce receipts for the amount spent on accommodation, food, transportation etc.
Officers who had to travel on duty to remote places could not get the receipts for the amount spent by them for food as they had to use small hotels and it is difficult to get bill from there.
By the issue of new Ofice Memorandum dated 22.01.2009, as the Govt has decided to sanction daily allowance on tour, based on earlir office memorandum dated 17.04.1998 in case the officers opted to claim slab rate based daily allowance instead of reimbursement based travelling allowance prescribed vide office memorandum dated 23.09.08.
The new order provides the choice to the Officers for claiming the Travelling allowance either based on old TA rates or at actuals using the bills for food etc as per the office memorandum dated 23.09.08.
" The Scheme of House Building Advance to Central Government Employees is aimed at providing assistance to the Government employees to construct/acquire house/flats of their own. The scheme was introduced in 1956, as a welfare measure. Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation act as the nodal Ministry for the same. "
--> House Building Advance is admissible to all those temporary employees also who have rendered 10 years of continuous service. The Ministries/Departments are delegated powers to sanction House Building Advance to their employees in accordance with the House Building Advance Rules.
--> With effect from 27-11-2008, the following provisions of grant of House Building Advance shall be in operation, until further orders:-
(i).The maximum limit for grant of HBA shall be 34 months’ of pay in the pay band subject to a maximum of Rs. 7.50 lakh or cost of the house or the repaying capacity whichever is the least, for new construction/purchase of new house/flat.
(ii).The maximum limit for grant of HBA for enlargement of existing house shall be 34 months’ pay in the pay band subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.80 lakh or cost of the enlargement or repaying capacity, whichever is the least.
(iii).The cost ceiling limit shall be 134 times the pay in the pay band subject to a minimum of Rs.7.50 lakh and a maximum of Rs.30 lakh relaxable up to a maximum of 25% of the revised maximum cost ceiling of Rs.30 lakh.
--> The rate of interest on House Building Advance is between 5% to 9.5% ,depending on the loan amount.
--> The repaying capacity of Govt. servants who have more than 20 years of remaining service has been revised from 35% to 40% of pay. (Pay means pay in the pay band).
-->The salient features of House Building Advance Rules are as follows-
* Permanent Government employees.
* Temporary Government employees who have rendered at least 10 years continuous service.
* To be granted once during the entire service.
If both the husband and wife are Government of India employees and eligible for HBA, it shall be admissible to only one of them.
HBA is granted for:
1. Constructing a new house on the plot owned by the official or the Official and the Official’s wife/husband jointly.
2. Purchasing a plot and constructing a house thereon.
3. Purchasing a plot under Co-operative Schemes and Constructing a house thereon or acquiring house through membership of Co-operative Group Housing Scheme.
4. Purchasing /construction of house under the Self-Financing scheme of Delhi, Bangalore, U.P., Lucknow etc.
5. Outright purchase of new ready-built house/flat Housing boards, Development Authorities and other statutory or semi-Government bodies and also from private parties.*
6. Enlarging living accommodation in an existing house owned by the official or jointly with his/her wife/husband. The total cost of the existing structure (excluding cost of land) and the proposed additions should not exceed the prescribed cost ceiling.
7. Repayment of loan or advance taken from a Government or HUDCO or Private source even if the construction has already Commenced, subject to certain conditions.
8. Constructing the residential portion only of the building on a Plot which is earmarked as a shop-cum-residential plot in a Residential colony.
* Private party means registered builders but not private individuals.
a) The applicant or spouse or minor child should not already own a house in the town/Urban agglomeration where the house is proposed to be constructed or acquired.
b) The title to the land should be clear. The land may be owned either:
- by the Government employee; or
- jointly by the Government employee and spouse.
134 times of pay in the pay band subject to a minimum of Rs. 7.50 lakh and a maximum of Rs.30 lakh
Administrative Ministry may relax the cost ceiling to 25% of cost ceiling mentioned above in the individual cases on merits.
(Effective from 27th November, 2008)
* will be the LEAST of the following:-
(i) 34 times the pay in the pay band.
(ii) The cost of construction.**
(iii) Rs. 7,50,000/- ***
(iv) Repaying Capacity.
** 80% of cost in rural areas.
*** Rs. 1,80,000/- in case of enlargement of existing house.
Read Full details here
The Uttarakhand cabinet extended the benefits of the Sixth Pay Commission to all government-aided school staff both
teaching and non-teaching.
The move comes following a prolonged agitation by the teachers and non-teaching staff of aided schools who were left out of the ambit of the Sixth Pay Commission.
The cabinet also decided to accept the demands of the state government employees for grade pay and approved the Assured Career Progression (ACP) scheme under which an employee would get a higher grade after every 10 years in service in case no promotion was given during the period.
Speaking to reporters after the cabinet meeting, state chief secretary Indu Kumar Pandey said all government employees working in border areas would be given hill development allowance which was earlier not being given to them as they were getting border area allowance.
Areas would be identified which are higher that 1,000 metres and allowance would be paid which would range between Rs 150 and Rs 540 in accordance with the grade pay, said Pandey. Valleys located over a height of 1,000 metres but lower in altitude would also be included .
He said an enhanced family planning allowance would be given to the employees. House rent allowance would be raised for state government employees.
Pandey said these decisions would cost the exchequer Rs 200 crore every year. Besides, an additional Rs 900 crore would be paid as arrears.
He said collective insurance cover for government employees would be raised to amounts ranging from Rs 1 lakh, Rs 2 lakh to Rs 4 lakh, respectively, depending each employee's contribution. Earlier, these amounts were Rs 30,000, Rs 60,000 and Rs 1.2 lakh, respectively.
Download APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE prepared by IP/ASP TamilNadu team from the following link.
Download here
Government employees in Jammu and Kashmir threatened a one-day strike on January 28 if government fails to implement recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission in the state.
"If government fails to announce implementation of sixth pay commission in Jammu and Kashmir by January 27, all government and public sector undertaking employees in the state would go on the strike on January 28," Jammu Joint Committee (JCC) members Ram Kumar Sharma and Gaffoor Dar told reporters.
Its other demands are enhancement of age from 58 to 60, rectifying of pay anomalies and increase in daily wages.
"If government failed in this, over five lakh employees will go on strike on January 28 and it will bring the government's working to a halt," Dar said.
The duo alleged that NC-led government has been delaying the implementation of the sixth pay commission and such a stand of the government would result in a violent agitation by the employees.
About 33% hike has been recommended for employees of Tripura.Chairman of the pay review committee of the committee A K Mangotra handed over the report of their recommendations to Chief Minister Manik Sarkar.
Mr AK Mangotra said the existing 21 pay scales were merged into four pay bands and 100per cent dearness allowance was neutralised to form a new pay scales for the employees.
While the minimum salary of an employee would be Rs 5580, the maximum salary would be Rs 50400 per month and at least three financial benefits would be given to the employees during their service life.
He said, for state cadre service officials, free mobile phone facility and three leave travelling concessions would be given in the service carrier instead of the existing one only.
Altogether Rs 725 would be spent to offer the the revised pay scales per annum.
Expected DA from 1.1.2009 is 22%
All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of November, 2008 remained stationary at 148 (one hundred and fortyeight).
During November, 2008, the index recorded maximum increase of 5 points each in Quilon and Madurai centres, 3 points each in Mysore, Ernakulam, Bhilwara and Coonoor centres, 2 points in 13 centres and 1 point in 14 centres. The index decreased by 1 point in 19 centres and 2 points each in Jalandhar, Nasik, Bhavnagar, Siliguri, Asansol and Howrah centres, while in remaining 20 centres the index remained stationary.
The maximum increase of 5 points in Quilon centre is mainly due to Fish Fresh, Vegetable Items and Washing Soap etc., while that in Madurai centre is mainly due to Rice and Vegetable Items. The increase of 3 points each in Mysore, Ernakulam, Bhilwara and Coonoor centres is due to Rice, Onion, Fish Fresh, Vegetable Items, Tea Readymade, Toilet Soap etc. While the decrease of 2 points each in Jalandhar, Nasik, Bhavnagar, Siliguri, Asansol and Howrah centres is due to decrease in the prices of Vegetable items, Mustard Oil, Groundnut Oil etc.
The indices in respect of the six main centres are as follows :
1. Ahmedabad - 144
2. Delhi - 144
3. Bangalore - 160
4. Kolkata - 147
5. Chennai - 144
6. Mumbai - 151
The point to point rate of inflation for the month of November, 2008 remained constant 10.45% at the level of October, 2008.
The CPI-IW for December, 2008 will be released on the last working day of the next month, i.e. 30th January, 2009.
All India Consumer Price Index Industrial Workers BASE YEAR 2001 = 100
Month Base year 2201=100 Total of 12 Months 12 Month Average % Increase over 115.76 for DA
Nov2007 134 1562 130.17 12.45
Dec2007 134 1569 130.75 12.95
Jan-2008 134 1576 131.33 13.45
Feb-2008 135 1583 131.92 13.96
Mar2008 137 1593 132.75 14.68
Apr-2008 138 1603 133.58 15.39
May2008 139 1613 134.42 16.12
Jun-2008 140 1623 135.25 16.84
Jul-2008 143 1634 136.17 17.63
Aug2008 145 1646 137.17 18.50
Sep-2008 146 1659 138.25 19.43
Oct-2008 148 1673 139.42 20.44
Expected Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees from 1.1.2009 - 22% (As per Swamy's News - Jan-2009)
Bihar hit by the indefinite strike of the government employees. More than 300,000 employees are taking part in the strike. It entered its 7th day this Tuesday.
The employees are seeking payment of arrears according to the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations from Jan 1, 2006, and have termed as 'unacceptable' the government's proposal to pay the arrears with effect from April 1, 2007.
Functioning of Patna Medical College & Hospital as well as Nalanda Medical College affected due to the strike.
Cristiano Ronaldo
Portugees and Manchester United winger Ronaldo was named as the Fifa player of the year 2008. He also received the Ballon d’Or this year in December. He scored an impressive 42 goals this season for Manchester United this season. It helped his club to win Premier league,Champions league and world club cup. Ronaldo is the first English Premier League player to win this achievement.
Argentina sensation Lionnel Messi came second behind Ronaldo.
1.Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal)
2. Lionnel Messi (Argentina)
3. Fernando Torres (Spain)
4. Kaka (Brazil)
5. Xavi (Spain)
Did anybody notice the change of google’s favicon ?
Favicon icon (also known as website icon) is an icon assosiated with a website approximately 16*16 of size.
To view icon follow the link view icon.
New Google icon looks colourfull with red,blue ,yellow,green colours..
CAT-takers can also access their CAT-2008 scores by using SMS facility of mobile phones. For SMS, candidate can type ‘CAT test registration number date of birth (ddmmyy)’ or ‘CAT test registration number application number” for example: “CAT 5370082 030482” or “CAT 5370082 123456” and SMS to “ 57333”.
(From the Official Site)
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) served a joint Strike Notice for indefinite strike from 20.01.2009 for realization of common demands related to sixth pay commission and demands in JCM National Council.
Unions gave the strike notice on Monday 05/01/2009 to The concerned Chief PMGs.
There is a meeting between the Secretary of Department of Posts and the union leaders of both FNPO and NFPE on 13th January Tuesday . FNPO will take decision about the strike only after this meeting.
An apex body of Nagaland government employees has demanded pay parity with their counterparts in central government as per the sixth pay commission awards.
Confederation All Nagaland State Services Employees Associations (CANSSEA), in a memorandum to the Chief Secretary Lalhuma, said the central government had already accepted and implemented the pay commissions recommendations and even some states also assured their employees to implement the same.
Urging the state government to implement the pay commission awards in Nagaland, the Confederation demanded revision of basic pay, fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure, merger of DA, non-practicing allowance, assured career promotion scheme, annual increment, performance related increment scheme, house rent allowance, remote locality allowance, transfer allowance, transport allowance, children education allowance, risk allowance, maternity leave/child care leave, pension benefit to employees.
Meanwhile, IPS cadres of Nagaland have also urged the state government to make effective soon the new revised pay scales for them as per recommendations of the sixth pay commission in the state
About Three lakh Government employees started strike on Wednesday (07/01/2009) for implementation of the sixth pay commission recommendations.
General Secretary of Bihar State Non-Gazetted Employees Federation (BSNGEF) Manjul Kumar Das claimed that functioning of the government, from the block to the secretariat levels, had come to a standstill due to the strike.
Nearly three lakh employees owing allegiance to Bihar Secretariat Services Association (BSSA) and Bihar State Non-gazetted Employees Federation (Gope) faction went on strike as they felt "cheated" by the offer made by deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, he said.
The government, on the other hand, claimed that functioning of the secretariat was normal as officials and other employees had reported for duty.
"There is no adverse impact of the strike and the secretariat's functioning is nearly normal as necessary work is being done," principal secretary, personnel, Amir Subhani said.
Subhani told reporters that the employees who were willing to work would be given protection and those on strike would not be allowed to forcibly prevent others from working.
Despite the "ESMA" threat from Government, Employees decided to continue the strike in Arunahcal pradesh. Their demand is for implementing the sixth pay commission recommendations with arrears for 3 years.
The Confederation of Service Associations of Arunachal Pradesh (CoSAAP), decided to go for third phase of movement from January 5 when their members would attend respective offices but would not work.
Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu is ready to put up a committe to discuss the issues. It may be headed by retired judge of High Court.
Muharram holiday will be observed on 07/01/2009 in kerala instead of 08/01/2009.
" The month of Muharram marks the beginning of the Islamic liturgical year. The Islamic year begins on the first day of Muharram, and is counted from the year of the Hegira (anno Hegirae)the year in which Muhammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina (A.D. July 16, 622 "
Joint Management Entrance Test 2009 (JMET 2009) is the first step in the process of admission to the TWO YEAR FULL TIME Postgraduate Degree Programmes in Management offered by IITs for the academic year commencing July/August 2009.
From The official Site:
Rank Card will be issued only to the candidates who Qualified in JMET 2009 Examination. In case, Qualified Candidates do not receive their Rank Card by 20th January 2009, they should contact the GATE Office, IIT Kanpur (0512 2597412 ).
To Know the Results Go to the Following Link..
JMET Results 2009
Chief Minister Hooda announced to give House Rent Allowance(HRA) to the State Government employees on the pattern of Central Government.More employees would be given education allowance which would be Rs. 500 per child per month, but only upto two children.
Government to constitute a committe to discuss the issues of the employees. It will be headed by Chief Secretary and have Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary,Finance and Legal Remembrancer as its members. The employees can give representaion to the committee before February 15 and it would be decided by 15 March 2009.
I My Ideas
The Joint Administrative Council (JAC) of the All Manipur Trade Unions Council (AMTUC) and All Manipur Government Employees' Organisation (AMGEO) on Friday has sealed all the government offices in the state.
Sate government's Failure to implent the sixth pay commission started the striker in November 08.
Warning From the Unions.
About 60,000 employees have been protesting since November 6 demanding payment fixed by the commission. Employees locked the main gates and rooms, including that of directors, in various offices in Imphal and other districts.
Government to analyse the situation.
If the government is silent on the implenmentation of the pay commission, then the unions may resorts to new form of agitation.
My IdeAs
The New Income Tax slab for the year 2008-2009.
For Males For Year 2008-2009
Taxable Annual Income Slab (In Rs.)
Tax Rate (In %)
Upto Rs. 1,50,000/- NIL
Rs. 1,50,001/- to Rs. 3,00,000/ - 10%
Rs. 3,00,001/- to Rs. 5,00,000 - 20%
Above Rs. 5,00,000/-30%
For Females For Year 2008-2009
Taxable Annual Income Slab (In Rs.) Tax Rate (In %)
Upto Rs. 1,80,000/-Nil
Rs. 1,80,001/- to Rs. 3,00,000/- 10%
Rs. 3,00,001/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- 20%
Above Rs. 5,00,000/- 30%
For Senior Citizen For Year 2008-2009
Taxable Annual Income Slab (In Rs.) Tax Rate (In %)
Upto Rs. 2,25,000/-Nil
Rs. 2,25,001/- to Rs. 3,00,000/-10%
Rs. 3,00,001/- to Rs. 5,00,000 - 20%
Above Rs. 5,00,000/-30%
To Calculate your Income Tax for the year 2008-2009 please check the following link..
HARYANA Government's pay panel recommendations failed to amuse several classes of the employees. The Haryana civil medical services association (HCMSA), the Haryana information and public relations officers association (HIPROA) and Haryana ministerial staff association (HMSA) are some of the unions of the government employees, who have rejected the new pay scales and some of these have threatened agitation.
The recommendations of the commission as far as these are applicable to the doctors working in the government hospitals of the state are farce and merely an eye wash," alleged Randip Singh Punia, state vice president of the HCMSA.
Department of Posts on tie up with Travancore Devaswom Board will dispatch prasadam from Sabarimala
Sree Ayyappa temple to devotees anywhere in India through Post. The Prasadam pack contains sealed items
of the following:
1. Aravana 1 Tin(250 ml)
2. Appam 1 Packet(5 Nos.)
3 Bhasmam &Kalabham 1 Packet ( Sandal paste of Sastha)
4. Bhasmam & Pepper of Vavaru Swami 1 Packet
5. Kumkumam & Manjal of Malikappuram 1 Packet
6. Abhishekam Ghee of Lord Ayyappa 10 ml.
7. A Small laminated picture of Lord Ayyappa 1
Interested devotees may remit Money Order of Rs.210/- (Rupees Two hundred & ten only) addressed to
the Executive Officer, Travancore Devaswom Board, Sabarimala 689713 Pathanamthitta District Kerala.
M.O. Form should be superscribed as “Swami Prasadam“. No other form of remittance will be accepted.
For any further details please contact Asst.Director(BD), CPMG’s office, Trivandrum 695033
Tel:0471-2305860 e-mail :adbdco.keralapost@gmail.com. Mob.9495549431.
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