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No. 1/20/2011-P&PW(E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
                                                                                                      3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
                                                                                              Khan Market, New Delhi

                                                                                                      Dated: 30th November, 2012

The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2012 at Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi with the officers of the Government Departments/Ministries regarding revision of PPOs in respect of Pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension & Ah,&PG) are circulated herewith.

                                                                                           Under Secretary to the Government of India
                                                                                                                    Tele: 24644632

1. Shri M.A. Choudhuary, Under Secretary, Dlo Consumer Affairs.
2. Shri V.K. Singh, Dlo Expenditure.
3. Shri Y.K. Meena, Deputy Controller of Account, Mlo Health & Family Welfare.
4. Shri H. Atheli, Controller of Account, MHA.
5. Shri Ajay S. Singh, Controller of Accout, PRo CCA, CBDT.
6. Shri Pankaj Hazarika, Deputy Secretary, D/o Revenue, M/oFinance.
7. Ms.Renuka Nambiar US, Dlo Revenue.
8. Shri Krishna Tyagi, Controller of Account, Central Board of Excise Custom.
9. Shri M. Sridharan, Chief Controller of Account, DAB.
10. Shri S.B. Doval, Deputy Secretary, M/o Mines.
11. Shri S.P. Agarawal, SO (Admn.), DOP&T.
12. Shri Neelam Taneja, Asst., DOP&T.
13. Shri Oma Nand, Under Secretary, M/o Civil Aviation.
14. Shri Arun Sobti, Under Secretary (C&C), M/o Finance. DEA.
15. Shri B.R. Pasrija, M/o Finance, Dlo Economic Affaris.
16. Shri Rajeev Nayan Sharma, Deputy Director, Mlo Finance, Dlo Economic Affrais
17. Shri A.K. Chauhan, Joint Director, Mlo Finance, NSI.
18. Shri J.P. Saini, Deputy Secretary (A) Dlo Food & Public Distribution.
19. Shri A.K. Chaturvedi, Director (Admn.VI), M/o Finance, CBDT.
20. Shri Bhupal Nanda, Controller of Account, Mlo Urban Development.
21. Shri A.K. Bangalia, Deputy Controller of Account, M/o Urban Development.
22. Shri Harbans Singh, OSP(Pension), M/o Defence, D/o Ex-Servicemen Welfare.
23. Shri R.A. Prasad, Deputy Controller of Accout, Mlo Water Resource.
24. Shri Alok Ranjan, Under Secretary (Admn.), Mlo Water Resource.
25. Shri S.B. Pandey, Under Secretary, M/o Information & Broadcasting.
26. Shri Sagar Mehra, Director (Admn.), M/o Finance, Dlo Economic Affairs.
27. Shri Sushil Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Mlo Finance, Dlo Economics Affair.
28. Shri Rajesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary (EC), Mlo Science & Technology, 0/0
Science & Technology.
29. Shri V. Vumlunmang, Joint Secretary (Admn.), MHA.
30. Shri Arvind Mukherjee, Under Secretary, MHA
31. Smt. Sunita Kumari, AO (Pension), Ministry of CAPD.
32. Smt. Vandana Sharma, CC(P). CPAO
33. Shri Dilip Kumar, CA(P), CPAO


A meeting was held on 21st November, 2012 at 09:45 AM in the Conference Room, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri Sanjay Kothari, Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) with the officials of 15 Departments/Ministries having maximum number of unrevised Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) pertaining to pre- 2006 pensioners/family pensioners under the CPAO network and Ministry of Railway, D/o Ex-servicemen Welfare, D/o Posts and D/o Telecommunications. The objective of this
meeting was to review the progress made by these Ministries/Departments in the revision of PPOs in respect of pre-2006 pensioners.

2. The list of participants is at Annexure.

3. In the Opening address, Secretary (Pension, AR & PG) shared the steps taken since the last meeting with these Ministries/Departments held on 28 August, 2012. It was informed that instructions regarding use of 7 documents indicated in respect of grant of enhanced pension/family pension on attaining the age of 80 years and above have been made applicable for determining the date of birth of spouse at the time of revision of PPO. He added that the instructions regarding change of date of birth of spouse have also been issued and use of e-scroll given by banks has been allowed in addition to Annexure-III. Secretary expressed his concern that most of the pensioners are unaware of the fact that not only revision of amount of pension by banks is to be done, the PPOs have also to be simultaneously revised. The Chief Controller (Pension) informed that about 75% of the PPOs related to civil pensioners have been revised and it is apprehended that there may be many inoperative PPOs in the remaining lot. She also expressed her concern that in many
cases pension might have been fixed on the higher side and there may be issue of recovery of excess pension involved in the revision of these PPOs.

4. Thereafter, Ministry-wise review was taken up starting with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). The representative of MHA informed that JS (Admin) has been taking regular meetings to review the progress. He informed that a large number of pre-1990 PPOs pertaining to Assam Rifles are in respect of Nepalese citizens and persons residing in the North-East. The system of de-centralized Record-keeping has made it more difficult to revise PPOs of these pensioners. The MHA informed that they have issued an advertisement for awareness of pensioners. Secretary (Pension) suggested that MHA may consider issuing another advertisement, encourage the pensioners residing in North-East to form pensioners' group and organize intensive camps and workshop during the next four months. Department of Pension and PW may provide financial assistant to these group if suitable proposals were received. In order to prevent such delays in future Pay Commissions, Secretary (Pension) also suggested that original records of the employee may be handed over to him in bound form at the time of his/her retirement as per instant rules.

5. D/o Urban Development reassured that they will meet the target set for December 2012. Central Board of Excise and Customs informed that a large number of PPOs are in the pipeline and as on date only 3000 pre-2006 and 7800 pre-1990 cases were pending.The D/o Atomic Energy informed that they are segregating pre-1990 cases from pre-2006 cases with the help of CPAO and will be able to adhere to the timelines fixed. M/o Water Resources informed that the Secretary (Pension)'s DO letter to Secretary (Water
Resources) has helped in putting in place a proper monitoring system for revision of PPOs. It was further added that engagement of four consultants for this purpose has a positiveimpact on the work. Similarly, Ministry of Coal informed that they have a proper monitoring system in place and have engaged two consultants. They are hopeful that theyneed not be called in the next meeting as their pendency would go down substantially. Ministry of Science & Technology informed that owing to shifting of some of their offices
in the past, they were facing the problem of locating pensioners' records. They informed that they would sort out the problem soon. The figures of All India Radio did not reconcile with those ofCPAO. It was pointed out by CPAO's office that progress in Prasar Bharati is slow. Secretary (Pension) desired to write a d.o. letter to the Chairman, Prasar Bharati. Ministry of Mines was requested to reconcile the figures with the CPAO and meet thetargets set for December, 2012 and March, 2013.

6. No one from the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Health and Ministry of Civil Aviation were present. It was decided to write DO letters to theSecretary/Chairman concerned from Secretary (Pension).

7. Department of Telecommunications informed that out of 2.41 lakh pre-2006 cases,only 2600 are pending , most of which belong to the erstwhile Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. Department of Posts informed that out of 1.8 lakh pre-2006 cases, about 52,000 are pending. They assured to complete the task by February, 2013. Department of Exservicemen Welfare informed that out of 15.5 lakh cases, they have revised 5.81 lakh PPOs. Every month, they had devised to 40,000 cases. They informed that owing to change in the amount of pension, most of the PPOs would have to be revised again. Secretary (Pension) suggested that in the meantimebasic informationrequiredfor revision of PPOs may be collectedand kept ready for immediate use after the re-fixationof pension is over and PPOs are ready to be revised again. He expressed his concern that a number of representations about PCDA, Allahabad are being received. He desired to write a D.O. letter to Secretary, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare in this regard.

8. As the Banks were at times sending Annexure III twice/thrice for the same individual, which counted towards the total numbers whereas in many cases Annexure-III are not received, it was felt that a meeting of the Banks may be called in second half of December, 2012. After looking into the availability and utility of e-scrolls of such pensioners for revision of their PPOs, CPAO and Ministries/Departments will provide
inputs to the Department of Pension &PW for setting the agenda of the meeting.

9. Secretary (Pension, AR & PG) expressed his satisfaction about the progress made so far. He assured the participants that any assistance that is needed will be considered positively in the Department of Pension & PW.

10. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.

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