Cadre Restructuring:
The order is given below.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
New Delhi – 110001
No. 1/4/2010-SR 6th August, 2010
Subject: - Secretary (P)’s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 – Item No. 6 – Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees, other than Accounts Cadres – Constitution of a Committee.
This has reference to minutes of Secretary (P)’s meeting dated 12.07.2010 circulated vide No. 08/02/2010-SR dated 14.07.2010 on the above-mentioned subject.
2. As per decision taken in regard to item No 6,dealing with cadre restructuring of Group C employees,other than Accounts cadres, a committee comprising the following is constituted to examine the issue.
DDG (Estt)-
Official Side
Director (SPN)
Staff Side
Shri. K. V. Sridharan, GS, AIPEUG – ‘C’
Shri. Giri Raj Singh, GS, AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
Shri. D. Kishan Rao, GS, NAPE Gr. ‘C’
Shri. D. Theagarajan, General Secretary of National Union of RMS & MMS Group ‘C’ will attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.
3. The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
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why cadre resructuring only to group-c, how about other groups and reasons for accounts cadre exclussion.
narendra r
Please Sir, while recommending for re-structuring in Group 'C' Cadre, please keep in mind the PAs/SAs on deputation to APS, who are getting lesser Grade Pay than their counterparts. Actually, Hav/Clks in Army were getting Rs 3600 scale before 6th CPC and PAs/SAs (WOs in APS) were getting Rs 4000 scale. Whereas, as on date Hav/Clks are getting 2800 GP and PAs/SAs are getting GP Rs 2400/- which is about double step down for PAs/SAs and double step up for Hav/Cls in Army.
Please therefore consider the matter.
sir while consedering this plz discriminate the work of system managers in department
Cadre restructuring for Group-C in Postal Department is highly desirable. Importance should be given on Postal Assistants & Sorting Assistants, because, the servants who holds these posts are to be termed as 'backbone' of Deptt. of Posts. Any of the business offered by Postal Deptt. can not be run without these PAs/SAs. These are most important and only one cadre in Deptt. of Posts. But, 6th CPC did not give importance upon this cadre. The Pay Band plus Grade was offered as PB-1 plus GP 2400/-. which is highly unexpectable in terms of their different job charateristics and pay should be offered to this cadre i.e. to PAs/SAs as PB-2, Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-. We are therefore waiting for cadre restructuring so that our demand may be fulfilled.
Sir when will be the report of that committe filed
Is there any news about cadre restructure? We are eagerly waiting for these.