Clarification regarding recruitment rules in case of Introduction of Postmaster Grade I, II & III and senior Postmaster (Gazetted Cadre) in Postal Wing.
A number of Postal circles have sought clarifications relating to the postmaster Cadre and other connected issue. The points are clarified as under.
1. Promotion to LSG cadre was being ordered at Circle office level by holding DPC and allotment was being made to divisions/ regions. The transfer liability after promotion was within the division. Now that a few posts in LSG in each division are being identified as Postmaster Grade I whether the officials are liable for transfer anywhere in the circle at the stage of initial appointment as well as on completition of tenure ?
Clarification: Postmaster Cadre Grade I has been created by carving out a certain number of LSG Sub Post offices (SOs) posts from the existing LSG (General Line) cadre, which is a circle cadre as per directorate's order No. 13-2/2010-PE.I dated 25-11-2010. As per the order , CPMG of the circles are required to identify the SOs and appoint postmaster Grade I in those SOs as per the provisions of the Recruitment rules. Postmaster Grade I being a circle Cadre, transfer liability of officials appointed against the post of postmaster Grade I is limited to only against the identified SOs. How ever, the movement of personnel in Postmaster Grade I, to the extent possible , may be within the divisions.
Download the Full Order from the below given link:
Further Reading on Postmaster Cadre
Syllabus for Postmaster Cadre Examination
Creation of Postmaster Cadre - Order
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