Railway PLB Bonus:
Railways employees to get 77 days Productivity Linked bonus for the Year 2010 –2011. Previous Year it was for 75 days. The order is likely to be issued this week itself.
This will be the highest productivity-linked bonus to be made by the Railways.
Keep visiting imyideas.com to download the order of Productivity Linked bonus for Railway employees.
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why exclude rpf and gazetted?
After giving fat pay to all, DA rise of 10% there is no justification to give bonus to all and sundry irrespective of any work being done or otherwise that too when resources are stated to be limited for developmental work.
It's surprising and very demoralising to see the comment as fat pay,before making a comment one should see the aspects from all front, it's comparatively lower with the other counter parts in central government / pvt organisations a Rly man has to be in duty irrespective of all kinds national holidays, festivals etc... and also odd hrs of duty and promotional staganation to the highest extent. usually I come across the lazy and idle people passing such sort of comments.