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With the implementation of the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007, the conventional gradings awarded to the members of the All India Services in the old All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1970 has been changed to numerical gradings in a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. The Government of India instructions issued on 18th July, 2008 envisages that high credit should not be given to the members of the Service in a routine manner by the Reporting/Reviewing Authorities and this should be restricted to 20% of the officers under their supervision. Further, the Government of
India instruction issued on 3rd December, 2008 provides that any grading of more than 8 for each attribute must be justified by giving reasons in writing in a separate sheet.

For the adoption of the new system of Performance Appraisal, it has been observed that in the absence of commonly understood benchmark, there is wide disparity in awarding numerical grading amongst reporting authorities.
In order to bring about uniformity in the interpretation of numerical grades, the following guidelines are issued which Reporting Authorities may keep in mind while awarding numerical gradings:

1. Members of the Service graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as 'outstanding' and will be given a score of 9 for the purpose of calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion.

2. Members of the Service graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as 'very good' and will be given a score of 7.

3. Members of the Service graded between 4 and 6 short of 6 will be rated as 'good' and given a score of 5.

4. Members of the Service graded below 4 will be given a score of 0 (Zero).

Assessment of numerical grading in the above manner will be done for the purpose of promotion/empanelment and for utilizing PAR document for any purpose pertaining to personnel management.

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1 Response to Instructions regarding numeric grading on All india service Rule (perfomance Appraisal Report)

  1. Let's hope the new appraisal system does justice to all employees. A thorough evaluation of employees while deciding their numeric grading should be implemented. The idea of a separate letter to justify the grade is quite commendable.


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